Cranio Sacral Therapy
What is CST, Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy was first developed from osteopathy by Dr. W. G. Sutherland and later by Dr. John Upledger. Simply put, you could call it a “stretch” from the inside. A treatment of the nervous system, through the body’s fluid system. Most people are more used to muscle therapy, such as when massaged or “cracking” vertebrae as in chiropractic or osteopathy, but CDST is now finally more accessible in Sweden.
Craniosacral Therapy is ideal for all types of tension and pain problems, muscle pain, headache, fibromyalgia, stress-related problems, etc. It’s something you have to try to really understand. Below is a classic description of what Craniosacral Therapy is:
Cranioacral therapy is a soft way to treat all the bones of the skull and face in relation to the vertebrae of the spine right down to the sacral bone. The central thing is the relationship of the bones and vertebrae to the outermost cranial membrane, Dura Mater. In the craniosacral system there is a rhythmic movement, the craniosacral rhythm. It is believed to be caused by the production and reabsorbation of cerebrospinal fluid. The frequency of this rhythm in a healthy adult is about 6-12 cycles per minute.
The cranioacral system is a management system and it both affects and is affected by other systems in the body. These include the endocrine system, nervous system, cardiovascular system and internal organs. Thanks to these connections, the list of symptoms and medical conditions that can be treated with CST can be made very long. In order for the cranioacral system to function satisfactorily, the bones to which the membranes attach must be in the correct position. For example, if the bones in the skull have ended up in the wrong position or if the sacbone is not correctly in the pelvis, tensions arise in the system and this can lead to various medical conditions.
Similarly, tension in the membranes can negatively affect the legs and their orientation. Cranioacral therapy is used to release these voltages and to facilitate corrections in the system.
However, it is important to note that CST contains much more than just the work of the craniosacral system. The craniosacral rhythm can be disrupted by imbalances in any of the body’s systems. For example, inflammation of the abdominal organs can lead to tightness in the abdominal fascia and this, in turn, affects not only nearby organs, but also the duramater membrane of the spinal cord. Tension in this membrane can lead to irritation of the spinal nerves which can cause chronic pain syndrome. There is also a risk that the tension will propagate up through the spinal cord into the cranial membranes resulting in an impact on the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve plays a key role in the control of abdominal function. As a result, a vicious circle of tensions occurs that negatively affects the organs of the abdomen. This vicious circle can most likely not be broken until the fascia, connective tissue and membranes have been treated with the right method.
I also work with SER, Somato Emotional Release, SER®. Which, briefly, means that the body’s self-healing powers are activated. The SER process enables trauma processing at both the physical and emotional level. It can give the individual insight into their history and, from this, make new choices.
For further reading, please refer to The Upledger Institute

Somatoemotional release

What is Somato Emotional Release, SER?
SomatoEmotional Release®, SER is a development of CST that affects both body and mind. A SER treatment is very similar to a CST treatment, but is usually combined with a discussion.
Dr. John Upledger, discovered that many physical problems in his patients originated from old traumatic events. By addressing the event or trauma, patients recovered in a sometimes surprising ways.
How does it work?
SER is based on the experience that the body has the ability to “lock emotions” into organs, connective tissue, nerves and muscles, which at the moment are too difficult to manage. In the short term, this can be beneficial for the body, but in the longer term it can lead to pain and tension. SER treatment “opens up” the body to manage and process the underlying trauma or event.
It is common in SER treatments for two or more therapists to work with a client to support them, so-called “multi-handed” or “multihand” treatment.
visceral manipulation
Vad är Viceral manipulation?
Vad har våra organ med smärta, stelhet och trötthet att göra?
Viceral manipulation är en mjuk behandling av bindväv runt och i kroppens organ. Kroppens inre organ hålls på plats av en struktur av bindväv. För vårt allmäntillstånd är det viktigt att organen har den rörlighet och blodgenomströmning som behövs för optimal funktion. Med Viceral manipulation lokaliseras organens nedsatta rörlighet och restriktionsmönster.
Rörligheten i våra kroppar påverkas t.ex. av skador, kirurgiska ingrepp eller en ohälsosam livsstil. Kroppen försöker kompensera bristen på rörlighet vilket kan skapa spänningar, irritation och smärta i olika vävnader. Våra organ påverkar varandra och resten av kroppen. Tänk bara på hur påverkad du blir av ”dålig mage”. Kan inte ett organ röra sig fritt, måste resten av kroppen kompensera för detta.
Ryggsmärta skulle utifrån detta synsätt kunna bero på restriktioner i njurarna, som med sina fasciala, bindvävslager påverkar djupare ryggmuskulatur, som i sin tur har förbindelse med annan fascia och börjar dra i muskler och kotor. Genom att behandla njurarnas bindväv och på så sätt öka elasticiteten och blodgenomströmningen, återställer organets fysiologiska rörelse. Vilket medför att de muskler och kotor som är involverade i smärtan släpper.
Njurarna har ett ständigt pågående arbete med att reglera vätskebalansen, blodtrycket, syrabas balansen med mera. Njurarna med sin fascialakoppling till diafragman flyttar sig ungefär 5 cm vid varje andetag. Tänk på vilken sträcka en njure rör sig dagligen!
Vi är inte så vana att tänka på rörelse och rytmer i våra kroppar. Att hjärtat slår och vi har en puls är de flesta medvetna om. Att andningen har en rytm är visuellt synbart, men att alla organ har en egen rörelse, motilitet, är de flesta inte medvetna om.
Rörelse är en förutsättning för gott liv. Genom att lätta de restriktioner som finns underlättar man kroppens förmåga till självläkning. Teknikerna jag använder har utvecklats av den franske osteopaten Jean-Pierr Barral. Som jag gått kurser för, både av honom själv och hans kollegor
För mer information se The Barral Institute

The blue lagoon, Iceland
intensive treatment
Intensive treatment with two therapists is now possible in Lund or Lyngby. Stress creates different reactions in our bodies: Fight, Flight or Freeze. How do you react?
Do you want a change, do you want to do something about your situation? It can be mental or physical disorders. With our treatment, you get a new “operating system” so that you can get rid of old luggage that appears in the body, such as pain, stiffness, fear, anxiety or anxiety in the soul.
We tailor and adapt to what you and your body need.
Perhaps you need an intensive course of treatments daily for a few days or a longer period of weekly treatments: as needed and possible.
We, Susie and Ulla are two experienced therapists with many different methods to support you to better health. Welcome to contact us:
Susie 0707-56 24 22
Ulla 0730-27 73 41
Currently, all major intensive treatments under Upledger’s direction are cancelled due to corona epedemic.
However, normally there is the possibility of intensive treatment with cranioacral therapy. The treatments are carried out by two or more therapists for each client. In this way, therapists can support clients’ needs more than a person can, giving the treatment an additional dimension. Furthermore, receiving treatment twice a day for a couple of days further expands and deepens the client’s process. The time between treatments is also important as it gives the client’s body and mind time to digest the processes that are underway.
During intensive treatment sessions, one of today’s treatments often takes place in water, either in a hot water pool or if possible in hot springs. Here, too, the client is held by two or more therapists. The water provides an opportunity for movement in all directions which traditional bench treatment does not.
There is also the possibility of five days of intensive treatment, these are most often in the United States, but often annually also in Iceland. For information on additional opportunities look for CTP, Comprehensive Therapy Programme at
Planned to start in Iceland in the summer of 2021. Contact me for further information and registration, Ulla 0730-27 73 41